Thought I'd post the current state of my Against Me! collection, as I've not actually put it together before. I'm not one of those must-have-every-colour-of-every-press types, for the most part anyway. I mean, I would be, but there's just so many different pressings to collect - Axl Rose is up to 27! Reading the list on No Idea, that totals an amazing 78 different variations across all the pressings. You'd have to be insane to chase that many variations, and that's just 1 album!
Anyway, the 12s I do have are (top to bottom, left to right):
- Against Me! is Reinventing Axl Rose - 10th press, baby yellow /550
- Against Me! is Reinventing Axl Rose - 2006 test press, silkscreen fabric cover /18
- From Her Lips to God's Ears (Energize-O-Tron) - 1st press, black /3185
- Don't Lose Touch - 1st press, black /3050
- The Original Cowby - 1st press, baby blue /524
- New Wave - 1st press, clear yellow /6000
- Searching for a Former Clarity - 1st press, white + black /3105
Still missing a few key 12s, namely As the Eternal Cowboy, the 12 of White People for Peace, the double-12 live record Americans Abroad, and the much pursued self-titled (which will is the current white whale).
In the 7s department, we got (left to right, top to bottom - just to be difficult):
- The Acoustic EP - 1st press, clear gold /256
- The Acoustic EP - 1st press, clear /267
- Crime as Forgiven By Against Me! - 1st press, black (big hole) /5400
- The Disco Before the Breakdown - 1st press, clear red /336
- The Disco Before the Breakdown - 16th(?) press, purple/pink swirl /75
- Thrash Unreal - 1st press, black /6500
- Cavalier Eternal - 1st press, clear blue /327
- Cavalier Eternal - 5th(?) press, pinky/purple swirl /574
- Thrash Unreal - 1st press, black /6500
- Sink, Florida, Sink - 1st press, blue/white swirl /2000
- Sink, Florida, Sink - 4th press, pale blue swirl /150
- Thrash Unreal - 1st press, clear red /500
- White People for Peace - 1st press, white /1000 (signed by Tom!)
- White People for Peace - 1st press, black /6500
- Stop! - 1st press, black /4500
Still a few 7s to go before I'll consider the set is complete. Mostly that's the last colours of the singles from the New Wave recordings - the yellow press of Stop!, the single for New Wave, and I think there was 1 more colour for Thrash Unreal too.
Crazy shit. Hit me up if you fancy helping to fill those gaps